
Posts Tagged ‘heroes’

House, M.D. I love that the writers always stay true to his cantankerousness. I love that last night’s episode was all about Monster Trucks and, simultaneously, not about Monster Trucks at all. I consistently just enjoy watching this show.

Castle. I thought the premiere was okay. I’m not a fan of crime shows where the lady cop is hot, lonely, and always in four inch heels. For “How to do this right” see The Mentalist. Nathan Fillion is kind of great, though, and I loved the end of the show. We’ll see how long they can draw this out without making the female lead seem like an utter nincompoop.

Heroes continues to be really good at what it does. Spouse missed a couple of episodes and is off of it, but I’m still liking how they put things together.

I was so glad for Medium to get back on the air! I love the way they depict the married couple, as well as the kids. They have some of the only kids on TV I find to be charming. I pretty much just love the show.

BSG continues to kick ass.

Burn Notice had a solid season. I was getting a bit annoyed with the whole ‘who framed me’ storyline but I really like the Michael/Fiona dynamic. I also LOVE Sam (Bruce Campbell). 

Chuck is also continuously awesome. 

Almost everything else is returning from their break next week.

I watched my first episode of Dancing With the Stars last night at work and I’ve got to say, I don’t get it. I don’t get why people love it so much.

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Each room of the house is essentially done being packed. Both bedrooms, the office, the dining room, the kitchen, and the entire basement are all boxed. All that remains are the things I’m using for the next week, the food, the toiletries and bathroom supplies, and the important paperwork I need to keep with me. Unfortunately, I may have to cancel my Monday class because the movers are showing up right about the time I would be leaving to go to the gym.

TV notes:

Grey’s Anatomy:

Dear Grey’s, you are getting a SLIGHT reprieve from me but only because I read a spoiler to find out WTF is going on with this Izzy/Denny thing. Spoiler notwithstanding can we PLEASE get it over with? It is full of Fail and Ew. Please to be replacing it with more Lexie Grey/Mark Sloan (GrOan?) and Yang/Hunt. I love, love, love Kevin McKidd. He was smokin’ hot in a toga (Rome) and is just as hot in scrubs. Much love, yogagrrl


I continue to love this show.


Has gotten funnier? There’s been a lot more Abby this season, which I heart. I’ll take a cute geek girl over action just about any time. There’s an added double-bonus in that the most ass-kicking character on the show is also a female.  Go girls!

Real Housewives of Orange County:

I’ve been watching this mostly for Carly. I remember why I didn’t watch it before. It’s chock full of entitled, self-absorbed bitches. All they care about are their looks, to an extent that’s kind of disturbing. The really scary thing is that they are all supposedly ’empowered’ and independent women, but with so much vanity and insecurity they can barely function (Dear Jeana: Not you.). It’s like high school but older, bitchier, and with more money to use to be mean to you.

The Mentalist:

If I was going to get you to watch ONE show that you aren’t watching, this would be it.

Private Practice:

Whoa, Dark Horse! They came out of nowhere this week with an intense abortion-issue show. Nicely done. Yes, it’s a complicated issue and yes, we can all agree to disagree.

Ghost Whisperer:

Do you want to know how messed up I am? I only started watching this show when I saw the promo that they were going to kill off Melinda’s husband. I had literally never watched an episode (nor been interested) right up until that moment. I am not a nice person. That said, I’ve watched since then and I’m kind of intrigued with how they’re handling this whole spirit-in-another-body thing. Like I said, not nice.


Has been jacked up for a while, but this week’s episode was my favorite of the season (and second favorite probably ever). Watching everyone having to deal with suddenly being a normal person again, combined with the comic geeks, meant the episode = love.


Of the good, as always, and with considerably less gore than has become the norm.


Not sure how it happened, but I missed a couple of episodes and had to catch them on the web. And then I watched this week’s on DVR. Man, I love this show. It’s an interesting crime procedural, great conspiracy mystery, and fantastic characters. I even love the Tidwell/Reese storyline even though everyone else hates it. I take it back – watch this show too.

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I made this mix a week or so ago and have been listening to it kind of nonstop on my Zune. Fair warning – I just pulled it up on the lab computer on campus (killing time before Micro lab) so I haven’t actually heard it. I’m hoping all those songs are the originals. It’s also missing Woman! Man! by Gomez, so when I get home maybe I’ll upload it.

Related to that, it was awesome to see Adele on SNL last week. I really love her album and I would not have picked it up if it weren’t on eMusic.com

I’ve got to say that as far as websites/apps that I’ve used the most in the last year, imeem and eMusic are right up there. Imeem lets you find out if you like something before you buy it. Emusic lets you pick up loads of music for way cheap and has a metric asston of awesome indie artists. If you like Hem, eMusic is Hem heaven. ;)

Micro midterm was meh. I’m not thrilled with my performance, but I guess I’ll wait to get the final results before getting overly worked up about it.

I am still way tired – ostensibly left over from the weekend. I’ve got to pick up my costume today (alterations done) and my bra for the wedding (ditto). My major plan after that is paying bills and sorting/boxing books. I live a life of wild excitement, I’m telling you.

Last night was the Bandwagon Book Club. I always enjoy the discussion there, though I sometimes feel conspicuous with my English degree. Last night it meant an explanation of Gothic literature. It’s weird because I’m in a group of mostly retired teachers and I’m also the youngest person by at least 10 years. This month’s book was The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. I really enjoyed it and thought she did a great job of incorporating the Gothic style and themes, but making it a more modern and interesting story. I’d recommend it (gave it 4 out of 5 stars).

If you’re looking for something fantastic, read Infidel by Ayan Hirsi Ali or A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Housseini.

TV Notes:

Heroes- WTF? I mean, really? WTF.

Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator) – Getting wicked awesome. Also, Brian Austin Green has NEVER been this hot. Not ever. I dig that the kid playing John is able to convey a lot of emotion with a minimum of dialogue. I also like that Sarah is starting to see things unravel. Love.

Chuck – I started watching this season after having caught a couple of episodes last season. This show is great. Funny and slapstick spy show with heart. I cracked up at several points.

Yoga notes:

If you don’t normally read The Yoga Journal, I’d recommend picking up this month’s issue. They’ve got a great article on Warrior I as described by people from various yoga disciplines (Kripalu, Anusara, Ashtanga, Viniyoga, et cetera). I love it because it highlights that everyone teaches things in slightly different ways to accomplish different things (I tend to go with the Viniyoga approach to Warrior I). It also shows that just because someone is describing one variation, it doesn’t mean you have to use it. Most importantly – EVERY VERSION talks about safe knee position. I’m a stickler for knees.

My class schedule is changing slightly and I’m excited about it. Life is about to get wicked hectic, though.

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I read some of the Sookie Stackhouse books quite a while ago, but this series is making me want to dig them out of the archives. They’re doing a great job of showing how conficted Sookie is as well as the problems that her friends have with her ‘ability.’

I adore Lafayette. I can’t say enough good things about that character and the actor who plays him just NAILS it. My especial favorite scene was the burger with AIDS. (warning: foul language)

Far and away, though, I’m most impressed with Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse. He’s completely self-absorbed and irresponsible and the guy manages to still make you care about him, even when he’s an ass.

I think Anna Paquin is doing a little over-acting – I mean, from time to time it actually LOOKS like she’s doing work. The southern accents are universally awful, but other than that I still really really like it.

Heroes is taking a turn for the weird. I’m not exactly excited to watch it, which is a bad sign, but they keep screwing up their future timelines so much that I’m losing interest in finding out what actually happens. Also? What’s up with Mohinder becoming The Fly?

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Moving, microbiology, and mild panic have eaten my brain and all my free time. Well, not all my free time. Yesterday was a mental health day, so Carly and I watched Baby Mama and Penelope on DVD. Baby Mama was predictable and mildly annoying despite occasional laugh out loud moments. Penelope was charming and delightful.

Spouse has already moved out of town and today was his very first day of work. Not only does it have better weather but the locals appear to be more friendly. He’s been asked to attend several events in towns by college staff and neighbors. This is seriously awesome.

Piper is enjoying the mountain air, if not the wood-paneled basement. I suspect it’s because she’s getting on in years (6) and is accustomed to having a soft spot to lay down. Spouse has a bare minimum of furniture due to the move, including a love seat instead of a proper sofa. There is no room on the love seat for Piper because Spouse is 6’2″.

I’m putting together a Sweetest Day care package for him. I don’t generally go in for Hallmark holidays but I found an amazing musical card and was inspired.

Fall means the return of fall shows! My current viewing line up consists of True Blood (HBO), Heroes, Life, NCIS, Supernatural, Gray’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Bones, and House.

Bubble shows include Chuck, Entourage (HBO), The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Mentalist, Private Practice, Brothers and Sisters, and Sanctuary.

Shows I’ve already dropped: Fringe and The Lipstick Jungle.

Chuck seems to be off to a good start. Tonight was my first episode of SCC and I only caught a few episodes last season. I really enjoyed The Mentalist (and was suprised by how much so) and will definitely make sure to catch the next couple before I decide. Private Practice and Brothers and Sisters suffer from the same problem- I find the shows interesting, but not interesting enough to make sure that I watch them. Sanctuary is on the bubble because it hasn’t started yet but I’m optimistic.

Clearly I’m into mystery/suspense shows more than relationship foo foo. The only comedy shows I watch are on Thursday nights as well, but when you’ve only got one Tivo it means you’re watching SOMETHING online. 30 Rock and The Office it is!

Of the new returning shows, I’m most excited about Life. I loved the entire season and can’t wait to see what they do next. I’m thoroughly enjoying all of the returning shows that have premiered and am very happy that I have a Tivo. I spend too much time watching TV. Way too much time.

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